Massage Events

20 to 21 August 2022 :
Training at Bindegewebs Massage in Brussels


Maximum 6 participants.
From Saturday August 20, 2022 at 10am to Sunday August 21 at 4pm.

Contact details

School of Holistic Health – ESH
9, boulevard Félix Paulsen – 1070 Brussels

20 to 21 August 2022 : Training at Bindegewebs Massage in Brussels Prévention Yoga Massage

What is Bindegewebs Massage (BGM)?

Objective and interest of the training :

Bindegewebsmassage (BGM) is a manual therapy of the reflex zones of the connective tissue.
Precise, slow and very fine, it allows a rebalancing of the nervous system by allowing the para-sympathetic to recover its function.

Effective and safe, it is practiced either as a cure of a few sessions, or in cures of several months at a rate of about 1 session per week.
The BGM helps / improves sleep disorders, chronic stress, agitation, nervousness, prevention of burn out, painful periods and amenorrhea, cold extremities – and other arterial disorders – intestinal sluggishness and a number of situations resulting from a disturbance of the Autonomic Nervous System.
BGM is a very good complement to Manual Lymphatic Drainage, whose benefits it promotes and increases.

Content and targeted skills

Knowing: knowing the basic scheme (small construction) of the BGM, with its variants and additional features. To learn the different types of touch by reflex, specific to the BGM.
How to: apply with fluidity and appropriate pressure the different BGM maneuvers, according to the areas treated and the desired goal.
Use a global body positioning, in synergy and without fatigue; breathe in a way that favors receptivity.
Knowing how to be: being at ease, centered and anchored, open to reading body messages, in accordance with the framework of the helping relationship, respect for the person and for oneself.

Target Audience

Health professionals and people aware of holistic health and the practice of a therapeutic massage. Possibility of receiving an initiation beforehand (reimbursed in case of registration).


  • Naturopathic students: have successfully completed the anatomy course.
  • Other people: have an approach to massage, or natural health, or receive a BGM massage from Madeleine (45′ session reimbursed if registered).

Material to bring

2 bath sheets and a small blanket; notebook and writing materials.


A certificate will be issued at the end of the training.
Feedback will be given to each participant to help him/her integrate the training in depth.

Registration and pricing


Via this email:

Prior registration required. Number of places limited to 6 people.


150 € for the 2 days of training (100 € for ESH students)


Wear simple clothes, if possible in natural fibers, in which you are comfortable.

What if the celebration started today by cherishing ourselves and those we love?

  • Exclusive offer:
    58 € only for 1h massage, lymphatic drainage or/and BGM reflexology.


  • By Madeleine Rommel – by appointment – at Prevention Yoga Massage, Stockel.


  • Limited number of cards: don’t delay to book.