Individual or 2p. classes :
Preventive Health Consultations aim to target and implement preventive methods which help a person regain, maintain or improve his or her physical fitness, whether at the back, spine, joints, muscles, blood and lymphatic circulation, breathing, fatigue, burn out and stress as well as management levels, and their consequences.
These preventive methods are derived from accessible and effective body techniques, and will be adapted according to the complexity and evolution of the situation.
It’s possible to combine preventive exercises and massage in the same session. For more information on massages, have a look on the MASSAGE page.
Isolated sessions:
Prevention or belliconⓇ: 55 €/h (half hour : 35€)
Prevention or belliconⓇ 30′ + massage 30′: 65€/1h.
Card of 5 sessions of an hour:
Prevention or belliconⓇ: 250€ (50€/h)
Prevention or belliconⓇ 30′ + massage 30′: 300€ (60€/h).
Each session includes an additional 10 to 15 minutes to prepare yourself.
Preferably on the bank account of Madeleine Rommel : IBAN BE19 0630 2845 7512
Communication: name + date + PHC (or bellicon)
The aim here is to train yourself regularly, through a both gentle and intense practice, in order to allow the body to rebalance its tone and remain in the positive spiral it’s meant to function, whatever activity is requested or proposed to it.
2 0 2 3
January : 19, 26.
February : 2, 9, 16.
March : 9, 16, 23, 30.
April : 13, 20, 27.
May : 25.
June : 1, 8.
Registration is required, by phone (0497 376068 or by email (button below).
Don’t wait too long : to maintain the quality of the adjustments, the number of places is limited.
2d semester / 15 class : 180 €
10 class card – au choix – valid until June 2023: 200 €
Your payment validates your registration.
Preferably by bank transfer on Madeleine Rommel’s account : IBAN BE19 0630 2845 7512
Communication: PBT Thursday evening + name
Preventive Body Techniques
All preventive parameters, integrated into progressive modules: deep and conscious body work that balances muscle tone and free/lengthen the breath.
Individual classes can also be useful to prepare and refine the group classes of PBT and Ashtanga Yoga.
The practice of this mini-trampoline with flexible canvas is considered here from an essentially preventive approach : promoting a process of regeneration of body structures, from a few minutes per day.
The belliconⓇ is both accessible (for young and elderly), effective (positive results after 2 min/day) and playful (awakens the joy of living and the pleasure of moving).
Silent, extremely fluid elastic rings – which can extend up to 180% of their original length – to sink much deeper into the mat,
– which lengthens the “deceleration” phase, where physical work is done,
– which avoids being stopped abruptly.
The elastic tension exists in 5 levels allowing to adapt the trampoline to the user, according to his weight, his size and the use which he wishes to make of it.
The more the elastic tension is strong, the easier will be the movements because the body will work less.
The softer the elastic tension is, the more difficult the movements will be, because the body will have to continuously re-stabilize itself, which will involve more work and coordination and therefore more prevention-health benefits.
In the bounce on soft mat, the body does not suffer the disadvantages of movements on hard ground – such as wear of cartilage, compressions & vertebral compressions, muscle stiffness / retractions… : the belliconⓇ is therefore softer and more intense than jogging and walking because it amplifies their advantages, without having their disadvantages.
The relative flexibility of the mat, depending on the tension of the elastics, produces an accordion bounce with a decoaptant effect, giving space to the joints, elasticity to the tendons, ligaments and muscles, reducing the spine & promoting expansion disc, permanently stimulating the cells of the body —> promoting the density of bones and cartilages by gentle stimulation – blood and lymphatic circulation by muscle contractions & stretching – which also promote flexibility, respiration and tissue oxygenation – endurance and the cardiovascular system, body awareness and alignment, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, breathing…
The instability resulting from the flexibility of the mat, in which we sink more than bouncing, strengthens and softens the stabilizing muscles and the deep internal muscles including the pelvic floor, which improve their function and promote balance capacities. Thus, a sprained ankle, laxity of the knee, sagging of the arch of the foot, weakness of the pelvic floor, can gradually regain a more balanced tone.
bellicon® is giving away every 100th minitrampoline sold. The winners are informed about this in the form of a golden rubber band which is enclosed with their order. That’s why the promotion is called “The golden rubber band”.
Moreover, when you buy a bellicon® minitrampoline, you will not get 30 days of free bellicon Home as usual, but 90 days until the end of the promotion.
Material & size of the frame, tension of the elastics, screwable / foldable legs, colors, delivery in kit or already assembled … It’s up to you to make an informed choice.
During your 30 min free initiation, discover all that the mini trampoline belliconⓇ can bring to you on the physical, psychic and mental level.
To make sure that your mini trampoline meets your wishes as well as your needs, ask us for advice by explaining your situation: there are more than 400,000 possible combinations, just one of which is perfect for you!
Joy, well-being and health will be the order of the day!