
30 years of Yoga – Summer 2018

Memories : Douglas Ridings à 8Limbs Yoga Seattle

A page of my trip around the world summer 2018, celebrating 30 years of physiotherapy — 30 years of Yoga:

The practice of different forms and methods of Yoga, here with Douglas Ridings at 8Limbs Yoga Seattle, allowed me to discover the complementarity of differences and the need for openness and integration of these differences to understand the reality of Yoga and the principle of accuracy.

Having deepened Ashtanga Yoga for several decades has allowed me to feed on differences without feeling confusion. Gratitude to Life and to all those who have participated in the transmission of Yoga since the dawn of time 

What if the celebration started today by cherishing ourselves and those we love?

  • Exclusive offer:
    58 € only for 1h massage, lymphatic drainage or/and BGM reflexology.


  • By Madeleine Rommel – by appointment – at Prevention Yoga Massage, Stockel.


  • Limited number of cards: don’t delay to book.